ActiveX und DLLs

© 2019 vb-Zentrum

Forms Design

MB FormEx V1.2 

Extended functions for forms. Such as limitation of resizing, flashing title, transparent background, additional entries in the system menu, always on top and autoscaling of controls if form is resized.

 OCX demo projekt: MBFormEx.zip

author: marco bellinasol
revision: 08/2000

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FreeImage.dll V3.13.1

This open source DLL makes it easy for vb6 programmers to work with pictures and bitmaps.
The API based DLL includes all today used picture formats (read and write), picture manipulation like brightness, gamma correction and makes it possible to work with color depth, palettes and meta tags!

A very detailed instruction is avalable on the homepage.
The download also includes a vb6 wraper modul.


author: OpenSource
revision: 12/2009
homepage: http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/

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